Panel Discussion with Mark Swick, Rebecca Engel, Noah Levine, Annie Rivers, Anita Rosenberg, Dale Rosengarten, and Jay Schwartz at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina fall meeting, “Endangered Congregations: Strategies for Survival,” held in Sumter and Camden, SC
Shared Memories, Equal Justice
Panel Discussion with Richard Gergel, Claire Curtis, Joseph Darby, Armand Derfner, Charles Heyward, and Bernard Powers at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “Memory, Mounuments, and Memorials” held in Charleston, SC
The New Royalty
Panel Discussion with Edward E. Berlin, Ben D’Allesandro, Joe Fischbein, Eli Hyman, and Joseph Jacobson at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “The ‘Kingdom of Israel’ in This Town”: Jewish Merchants of Charleston and Summerville,” Charleston and Summerville, SC
Monuments of Marion Square
Panel Discussion with Theodore Rosengarten, Christine King Mitchell, and Michael Kogan at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “Memory, Mounuments, and Memorials” held in Charleston, SC
Merchants on the Move
Panel Discussion with Katharine Allen, Harold Brody, Deborah Lipman Cochelin, David Furchgott, Mickey Kronsberg Rosenblum, and Zachary M. Solomon at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “Revisiting the Past and Envisioning the Future: JHSSC Celebrates its 25th Anniversary,” held in Charleston, SC
Max Heller: The Father of Modern Greenville
Panel discussion with Steven Heller, Francie Heller, Trude Heller, Susan Heller Moses, and Richard W. Riley at the fall meeting of the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina Beth Israel in honor of Beth Israel congregation’s 100th anniversary and the dedication of an historical marker, Greenville, SC
Making Their Mark on Georgetown
Panel discussion with Richard Dimentstein, Roslyn Goldstein Greenspon, Nathan Kaminski, Benedict Rosen, Deborah Schneider Smith, and Gene Vinik at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina fall meeting, “Between the Waters,” held at Hobcaw Barony and in Georgetown SC
Kings and Queens of King Street
Panel Discussion with Steve Berlin, Nicky Bluestein, Ben Chase, Rosemary Read Cohen, Leonard Goldberg, Barry Kalinsky, Sammy Kirshtein, and Allan Livingstain at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “The ‘Kingdom of Israel’ in This Town”: Jewish Merchants of Charleston and Summerville,” Charleston and Summerville, SC
Jewish Life in Flowertown
Panel Discussion with Sallie Wolper Boyles, Jane Barshay Burns, Manuel Cohen, Marjorie Lynch, Paul Lynch, Spencer Lynch (dual role as moderator and panelist), Rosalyn Kramer Monat-Haller, and Vivian O. Rose at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina spring meeting, “The ‘Kingdom of Israel’ in This Town”: Jewish Merchants of Charleston and Summerville,” Charleston and Summerville, SC
Hub City Reminisces
Panel Discussion with Joe Wachter, Andy Poliakoff, Allan From, Dot E. Frank, Ben Stauber, Gary Smiley, Gloria Goldberg, and Sandy Smiley at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina fall meeting, “In Search of Jewish Spartanburg,” held in Spartanburg, SC