Weintraub, Sylvia Polan
Interview with her husband Lawrence Weintraub
Weintraub, Richard
Panel discussion, “Pee Dee Pioneers,” with Donna Cohen, Fredric Levy, and Bruce Siegal at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina conference in Florence, SC, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 100th anniversary
Weintraub, Lawrence
Interview with his wife Sylvia Weintraub
Siegal, Bruce
Panel discussion, “Pee Dee Pioneers,” with Donna Cohen, Fredric Levy, and Richard Weintraub, at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina conference in Florence, SC, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 100th anniversary
Shuler, Robin Heiden
Panel discussion, “Growing Up Jewish in the Pee Dee,” with Alexander Cohen, Richard Cagan, and Sam Rogol, at the regional meeting of the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 50th anniversary, Florence, SC; followed by a presentation , “A Brief History of Beth Israel Congregation,” by Sam Rogol
Rogol, Sam
Reich, Matthew
Presentation, “Stories From the Pee Dee: Short Takes by Community Members,” with Mortimer Bernanke, Phillip Greenberg, Gertrude Radin, Alexander Cohen, Harold Kornblut, and Donna Cohen, at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina conference in Florence, SC, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 100th anniversary
Radin, Gertrude Levy
Presentation, “Stories From the Pee Dee: Short Takes by Community Members,” with Matthew Reich, Mortimer Bernanke, Phillip Greenberg, Alexander Cohen, Harold Kornblut, and Donna Cohen, at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina conference in Florence, SC, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 100th anniversary
Levy, Fredric “Rick” R.
Panel discussion, “Pee Dee Pioneers,” with Donna Cohen, Bruce Siegal, and Richard Weintraub, at the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina conference in Florence, SC, on the occasion of Beth Israel Congregation’s 100th anniversary