Gomer, Raisa Milvena
Gergel, Meri Friedman
Interview with her sister Rae Berry
Gendelman, Betty Williams
Interview with her brother Arthur WIlliams and her mother Zerline Williams Richmond
Gergel, Belinda Friedman
Symposium on Penina Moise with Beatrice Aaronson, Solomon Breibart, Nicholas Butler, Harlan Greene, Mayer Z. Gruber, Kim Harris, Anita Rosenberg, Ira Rosenberg, Dale Rosengarten, Barbara Stender, and Max Stern, sponsored by Special Collections, Addlestone Library, College of Charleston
Garfinkle, Frances Solomon
Interview with her husband Nathan Garfinkle
Garfinkle, Nathan
Interview with his wife Frances Garfinkle
Geldbart, Ralph G.
Garfinkel, Jennie Kaufman
Interview with her husband Max Garfinkel
Garfinkel, Max
Interview with his wife Jennie Garfinkel