Harris, Kim

Symposium on Penina Moise with Beatrice Aaronson, Solomon Breibart, Nicholas Butler, Belinda Gergel, Harlan Greene, Mayer Z. Gruber, Anita Rosenberg, Ira Rosenberg, Dale Rosengarten, Barbara Stender, and Max Stern, sponsored by Special Collections, Addlestone Library, College of Charleston

Gurock, Jeffrey S.

Keynote lecture, “A Commentary on a Synagogue History: Brith Sholom Beth Israel and American Jewish History,” at the Southern Jewish Historical Society and Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina joint conference, “Jewish Roots in Southern Soil,” on the occasion of the 150th anniversary rededication of BSBI

Gruber, Mayer Z.

Symposium on Penina Moise with Beatrice Aaronson, Solomon Breibart, Nicholas Butler, Belinda Gergel, Harlan Greene, Kim Harris, Anita Rosenberg, Ira Rosenberg, Dale Rosengarten, Barbara Stender, and Max Stern, sponsored by Special Collections, Addlestone Library, College of Charleston