Interview with his wife Bernice Toporek
Twing, Wendy Krancer
Interview with her mother Anne Krancer, and her aunts Julia Jacobs Maling and Eva Oxler
Tendler, Susan
Panel discussion, “Judaism and Education,” with Rabbis Anthony Holz (Reform) and Ari Sytner (Orthodox), one in a series of Three Rabbi Panels sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program, College of Charleston
Thurmond, James Strom
Toporek, Bernice Lesser
Interview with her husband Louis Toporek
Taylor, Francine Ajzensztark
Sytner, Ari
Stine, Gordan B.
Stern, Max
Symposium on Penina Moise with Beatrice Aaronson, Solomon Breibart, Nicholas Butler, Belinda Gergel, Harlan Greene, Mayer Z. Gruber, Kim Harris, Anita Rosenberg, Ira Rosenberg, Dale Rosengarten, and Barbara Stender, sponsored by Special Collections, Addlestone Library, College of Charleston
Steinert, Harriett Rittenberg
Interview with her mother Sara Rittenberg