Shabbat service at Temple B’nai Israel’s 50th anniversary celebration, Anderson, SC. Includes remarks by Sen. Isadore Lourie and the presentation of a plaque to Mike Krupshaw by Herbert Cohen.
Goldfield, David
Presentation, “Anderson and the Jewish Experience in the South,” at Temple B’nai Israel’s 50th anniversary celebration, Anderson, SC
Goldman, Bernice Draisen
Interview with her sister Judith Glassman
Glassman, Judith “Judy” Draisen
Interview with her sister Bernice Goldman
Funkenstein, Louis
Interview with his wife Caroline Funkenstein
Funkenstein, Caroline Geisberg
Interview with her husband Louis Funkenstein
Fleishman, Libby Kirsh
Fleishman, Florence Breen
Interview with her brother Marvin Breen
Fleishman, Alvin Theodore
Speech as toastmaster at the dinner celebrating Temple B’nai Israel’s 50th anniversary, Anderson, SC
Draisen, Samuel (“Sammy”) Morris
Interview with his brother David Draisen